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香港婚宴暨世界名酒博覽 2012 > 展會簡介



大型婚展 盛況空前


囍宴場合 大宴親朋


浪漫婚宴 名酒必備

一個有氣派而浪漫的婚宴,必備有美酒互相輝映,所以選購美酒是籌備婚禮的重要一環。由於不同國家及醇度之名酒也有客人欣賞,所以是次名酒博覽將為喜愛品嚐美酒的人士及準新人提供一個選購及接觸更多世界佳釀的平台,而酒商亦可在場內為喜愛品嚐美酒的人士、準新人及至現場近百間五星級大酒店、酒樓作名酒推介及銷售,因此是次名酒博覽實為酒商提供一個超級推廣品牌及銷售之渠道。 為了確保是次展覽會能獲得美滿的成果,大規模的宣傳活動將會逐步展開,務求吸引更多情侶蒞臨參觀是屆婚宴博覽會,為結婚業界締造無限商機。綜合以上因素,主辦機構預期「香港婚宴暨世界名酒博覽2012」將會獲得空前成功。


"Hong Kong Wedding Banquet and World Wine Expo" is one of the most grand & reputable wedding banquet exhibitions organized by Audace in Hong Kong every year. This year, the Expo is scheduled to be held in the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre from 9th to 11th March 2012. In the last Expo, the number of visitors reached over 62,000. It has brought fruitful business and revenue to the Exhibitors.

Magnificent Expo: Fruitful Businesses

The aims of the Expo are, on the one hand, to meet the need of those nuptial couples who are planning to get married. On the other hand, it also provides a golden opportunity for the Exhibitors to promote their products/services and make businesses. Since the first Wedding Expo Audace organized in 1993, Wedding Exhibition has developed to become a necessary place for the nuptial couples to visit. The couples can collect all the valuable and latest wedding information at one spot in the Exhibition. In the last Expo, there were over 620 booths and the area of the venue reached 145,000 square feet. The Expo attracted tens of thousands of nuptial couples to visit and brought fruitful businesses and revenues to all the Exhibitors

Glamorous Banquet: Unlimited Market

Wedding banquet is undoubtedly one of the most important parts among the whole wedding ceremony. The nuptial couples used to select and book the venue of their wedding banquet as early as they can because of the limited availability of the venues. The Organizer has thus invited most of the hotels, restaurants and other related companies such as wedding card companies, venue decorations companies to participate in the coming Expo so as to provide a convenient platform for the nuptial couples to choose and arrange for their wedding banquet and ceremony.

Wedding Wine: Prerequisite Product

It is easy to understand that “wine” also plays an important role in a wedding ceremony. Wines from different countries with varied tastes are appreciated by different people. In the Expo, nuptial couples and wine lovers can select their favorite wines conveniently. At the same time, the wine companies can also sell and promote their brands and products through this effective promotion platform.

In order to guarantee the Exhibition to obtain a contented achievement, numerous promotion means will be launched during and prior to the Exhibition. It is certain that “Hong Kong Wedding Banquet and World Wine Expo 2012” will definitely bring a great number of nuptial couples and business to all the exhibitors in the Expo.

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