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「香港婚紗展暨海外婚禮博覽、香港婚宴展暨婚禮佈置博覽2025」將於2025年3月14至16日假座  灣仔會展舉行,集中港台韓日婚慶名店,
2025年3月14至16日 香港灣仔會展 超大型婚紗展,近500個展位,


Zenyum (HK) Ltd

Zenyum隱形牙套價格劃一,只需$13,800,絕無隱藏收費。Zenyum集中處理輕微至中度的牙齒問題,用家平均只需3至9個月便完成療程。Zenyum深明要成爲專業的牙醫或矯齒專科醫生需要多年的經驗與努力,這個專業是值得尊重和敬佩。因此,香港執業牙醫和矯齒醫生的參與是Zenyum矯齒療程中不可或缺的部份。除了療程期間到香港註冊牙醫診所覆診,我們利用嶄新科技,令用家能使用Zenyum App輕鬆管理療程進度和與客戶服務專員溝通。從2018年由新加坡進軍香港市場至今,已令超過1,000位亞洲地區用家綻放自信笑容。

Zenyum Invisible Braces focus on treating mild to moderate cases, allowing customers to transform new confident smiles in just 3 to 9 months. We are dedicated to providing a safe and effective treatment with the involvement of Hong Kong Licensed Dentists in every Zenyum treatment. Our Zenyum App also provides users a convenient way to communicate with our Customer Care team, allowing close monitoring of their progress and facilitate in-peron check-ups with doctors. As of today, we are live in 6 markets. Having already treated thousands of cases, Zenyum is on a mission to help make Asia Smile More.

Address 19/F, West Exchange Tower, 322 Des Voeux Rd Central, Sheung Wan
Phone 5803 2876
Email venus@zenyum.com
URL https://www.zenyum.com/hk-zh/lead-generation/?utm_source=partnership&utm_medium=corporate&utm_campaign=weddingexpo&utm_content=partnership_ad&utm_expid=.BUaEf811QTeqoXxmpC8pFw.1&utm_referrer=
Facebook https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Cosmetic-Dentist/zenyumhk/posts/?locale2=en_GB
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/zenyumhk/?hl=zh-hk