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「香港婚紗展暨海外婚禮博覽、香港婚宴展暨婚禮佈置博覽2025」將於2025年3月14至16日假座  灣仔會展舉行,集中港台韓日婚慶名店,
2025年3月14至16日 香港灣仔會展 超大型婚紗展,近500個展位,


Wayfoong Florist International Limited 卉豐國際有限公司


Hear the flowers echo......
Wayfoong Florist International Limited has commenced the sales and marketing of various floral merchandise since 1980s. In the 1990s, the company also developed and produced high-quality seedlings, as well as improved breeding technology. Wayfoong's export market covers all over the world. Having our own production and direct sales network, we are able to ensure all fresh-cut flowers in good quality. We also directly import a wide range of seasonal flowers from different parts of the world, so as to make every product a unique masterpiece. Undoubtedly, you will savour......an amazing experience.

Address 九龍太子道西162-164號13-15號地鋪
Phone 23815531 / 23815605 / 23911622
Fax 23965594
Email wayfoong@wharftthk.com
URL http://www.wayfoongflorist.com/catalog/index.php
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Wayfoong-Florist-International-Limited-%E5%8D%89%E8%B1%90%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B%E6%9C%89%E9%99%90%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8-120355588074357/