首頁參展快線 ► 香港婚宴展暨婚禮佈置博覽2023 ► 贊助商專區



有興趣贊助的參展商,請填妥下列贊助表格,於 2023 年 1 月 9 日 前,傳真回主辦機構。如有任何查詢,請致電2367 8385。


Exhibitors who are interested in sponsoring prizes for the lucky draw and gimmicks of the "Hong Kong Wedding & Overseas Wedding Expo 2023" and "Hong Kong Wedding Banquet & Wedding Decorations Expo 2023" are requested to fill in this form and return to the Organizer on or before 9 January 2023.

Please note that the total value of the sponsored prizes should not be less than HK$5,000.

The Organizer will advertise the logo of the Sponsors in all the printed advertisements of the Exhibition.

download Prizes Sponsorship Form