首頁參展快線 ► PayMe from HSBC呈獻:香港婚宴博覽2019 ► 贊助商專區

雋傑國際展覽有限公司將於2019年11月1至3日,在香港會議展覽中心,舉辦一個大型婚紗、婚宴暨結婚服務的展覽─『PayMe from HSBC呈獻:香港婚紗展暨結婚博覽2019』及『PayMe from HSBC呈獻:香港婚宴博覽2019』。主辦機構為使到這次展覽會更具吸引,將會在展覽會場內舉行一連串遊戲及抽獎節目,敬希各商戶及參展商鼎力支持,給與贊助。而贊助獎品的總值以不少於HK$5,000.00為限。


有興趣贊助的參展商,請填妥下列贊助表格,於 2019 年 9 月 16 日 前,傳真回主辦機構。如有任何查詢,請致電2367 8385。


Exhibitors who are interested in sponsoring prizes for the lucky draw and gimmicks of the "PayMe from HSBC Presents: Hong Kong Wedding & International Wedding Expo 2019" and "PayMe from HSBC Presents: Hong Kong Wedding Banquet Expo 2019" are requested to fill in this form and return to the Organizer on or before 16 September 2019.

Please note that the total value of the sponsored prizes should not be less than HK$5,000.

The Organizer will advertise the logo of the Sponsors in all the printed advertisements of the Exhibition.

download Prizes Sponsorship Form